About Me

Most websites have an about me section so I guess I have to talk a bit about myself...

I am a beginner digital artist. I draw whatever I like, whenever I like. Though, I am trying to be more consistent at it and I'm always looking for ways to improve. I use Krita for digital art. I also do traditional sketches, though they aren't that great...

This is my first attempt at making a website. Decided to create a website for myself after seeing others do the same. Everyone needs to have a website for themselves, right? I wrote the code for the site using a free, open source code editer called Brackets. I used W3 Schools, Mozilla, web forums and a whole lotta Googling to help me make the site. Still have a long ways to go...I'll figure it out somehow. This site will be used to display my art as well as any projects I'm working on.

I have some big plans for this site among other things, stay tuned.

Oh, and I'm also a furry if that wasn't obvious.